申一商行 源起於西元1900年間 先曾祖輩王骞與其妻騫嬸偕其獨子王申助(為吾之祖父)由台中縣神岡舉家至豐原來謀生, 始得經營生產炒花生/花生粉, 兼售五穀雜糧/.......... 申一活力卡旺堅果王已邁入生產養生食品(如各式輕焙堅果/ 穀糧豆麥等健康養生粉/養生花生醬與芝麻醬等) 並於2011年正式於愛合購之網路通路開設第一家網路商店, 進而邁向全國性的養生消費者的市場, 本秉持先祖百年公道合理與服務之信仰繼續服務廣大的樣生愛好者,也將會陸續研發生產新配方養生粉/抹醬/堅果, 並逐步引進標準作業流程, 自主食品衛生管理來加強產品控管, 更會階段性再引進新型食品機械來開發新產品及提升產能與品質, 此外也會朝向電子化ERP 來合理控管資訊, 以期望提供最具價值的產品來給廣大的愛好者, 也期待能服務更多給客戶們! |
With diligent effort, Shan E always produces fresh and best quality healthy food such as cashew nuts, almond, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, etc. What is more, we manufacture various of grain/ oat/ flaxseed/ sesame meal for one who demands nutritional and natural food. Today, u ll find u can not only purchase our product in substantial shop but also in virtual store like Rakuten and ihergo. By means of e-commerce, we'd be capable of suppling our health food nationally. No matter where u are, just simply surf our pages, click anything u want, next day, u 'll then receive ShanE food via parcel service or 7-11. For sure, we provide different payment methods which is of security so pls don't worry and don't hesitate to pay bill online. Finally, hope serve everybody soon .
申一的FACEBOOK客人主顧與醬長的交流園地 http://www.facebook.com/Shanehealthyfoodcompany
E-mail:[email protected]